Last Updated on August 13, 2019
Filed under Shortcodes


Sweetness v1.x Only

Solid Divider

Double Solid Divider

Thick Solid Divider

Dashed Divider

Double Dashed Divider

Thick Dashed Divider

Shadow Divider

With Icons

Divider with Color


Argument Default Description
style solid shadow, dashed, thick-dashed, double-dashed, solid, thick-solid, double-solid
color #ccc Color of border (does not apply to shadow)
width 100% The max width of the divider
icon Icon centered in the divider (view icons).
Ex: arrow-right, chevron-right, twitter, etc.
Note: Do not prefix icon ID with fa-.
icon_color The hex value of a color value (#0099ff)
icon_size 20px The size of the icon in pixels.
icon_bg_color #fff The hex value of a color value (#0099ff) for the background of the icon.
icon_bg_size 40px Should be larger than the icon size above, this is the size of the background giving it a spacing around the icon.
icon_bg_radius 100% The border radius of the icon background. 100% is a complete circle.
align center left, center or right - the position of the divider within the content area.
class Add a custom class name for further css customizations and styling.