Last Updated on August 13, 2019
Filed under Shortcodes

Callout Boxes

Sweetness v1.x Only

A callout box is similar to an alert box but more structured and styled. The button can use any button color and icon.

My Awesome Heading

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

[callout heading="My Awesome Heading" message="View our Services and Design Processes." link="#" label="Learn More" color="primary"]


Argument Default Description
heading The callout heading text.
message The callout message text.
link info The full URL of where you want the button to link.Ex:
label Button Text The text displayed within the button.
color primary Color of the button.
btn_size lg xs, sm, md, lg, xlg, xxlg, xxxlg - The size of the button using bootstrap size classes
icon_before Icon before text of button (view icons).Ex: arrow-right, chevron-right, twitter, etc.Note: Do not prefix icon ID with fa-.
icon_after Icon after text of button (view icons).Ex: arrow-right, chevron-right, twitter, etc.Note: Do not prefix icon ID with fa-.
class Add a custom classname to the callout box for easy customizations.