Last Updated on July 20, 2024
Filed under Plugins

Yelp Testimonials API

Yelp's API only allows up to 3 reviews to show and requires their star design and branding.  A Yelp API Key can be created at the Yelp Fusion website.  Result are cached for 1 week (7 days).

Yelp API Error: The access token provided is not currently able to query this endpoint.
[bne_testimonials_api source="yelp" id="yelp-url-id" limit="2" readmore="true"]
The same API can be used with the [bne_testimonials_badge] shortcode by setting api="true" as an option.

Yelp API Error: The access token provided is not currently able to query this endpoint.
[bne_testimonials_badge api="true" source="yelp" id="yelp-url-id"]

Finding your Yelp Business ID

The ID for your Yelp business listing can be found from the URL. You'll want to grab the part that is after "/biz/"

The ID shown above would be "arrow-smile-dental-covina"